Dr. Christoph Merkelbach



work +49 6151 16-21149

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Hochschulstr. 1
64289 Darmstadt

Christoph Merkelbach studied and did his doctorate at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Education Sciences, German as a Foreign Language (DaF) and Modern Sinology. From 1994 to 2014, he lived and worked in Taiwan at various universities and most recently at National Taiwan University as an Associate Professor of German and Didactics DaF. In addition to intercultural communication, his research focusses on language teaching learning, particularly in the area of multilingualism, e-learning and technical languages/jargon. Since 2014, he is CEO of the Language Resource Centre (SPZ) of TU Darmstadt and manages the Centre for Intercultural Competence (ZiKK) at the SPZ of TU Darmstadt. At the ZiKK, he conducts intercultural workshops about Asia and Germany in German, English and Chinese.

何任遠(Christoph Merkelbach) 于柏林洪堡大学攻读教育学、德语作为外语教学以及现代汉学专业,并获得博士学位。他从1994年至2014年生活于台湾,并在当地多所大学任教过,最后在国立台湾大学任德语及教学法副教授;其研究重点除了跨文化交流之外,主要还包括语言教学研究,尤其是多语言性、电子教学和专业术语。自2014年以来他被任命为达姆施塔特工业大学语言中心业务领导人,跨文化培训中心(ZIKK)主任,由他主办的跨文化交流研讨会所使用的语言侧重于德语、英语及汉语,对提高受训人员外语和跨文化交流能力、增进亚洲和德国之间的相互理解和友谊起着重要作用。

A complete list of publications and lectures can be found here (opens in new tab) .