
The Italian offer consists of general language courses at UNIcert® Level I.

The courses systematically build on one another and lead to the acquisition of the UNIcert® I certificate in 10 semesters.

Taking part in the courses, you will learn to communicate in the most important situations, concerning you and your immediate living environment of everyday life, with simple linguistic means.

In addition, you will get to know about the most important customs relating to social and family area and cultural characteristics.

In preparation for internships abroad or study stays in Italy, you will also be familiarized with practices in the student’s environment and at work and will get to know relevant vocabulary.

As you learn to deal with the language autonomously in a relatively short time, the progression in the basic courses is quite steep. The four skills listening, reading, speaking and writing are trained in all courses. In addition, the courses cover large part of the grammar and acquaint you with the basic vocabulary. Therefore, you should allow enough time for practicing and repeating.