The student understands demanding texts in authentic oral contexts on general or field-specific subject areas even when these texts are not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled. The student understands telecasts and movies/films and can follow lectures without too much effort.
The student speaks fluently, can present subject areas within a chosen field of study and can clearly express personal opinions on the respective subject matter. The student makes use of complex grammatical structures successfully and has a wide range of general and field-specific vocabulary. The student is familiar with the idiomatic expressions required to successfully study abroad. The student is able to give presentations and explain figures, diagrams and tables.
The student understands long and complex authentic texts and, through careful reading, can understand any hidden pieces of information implied or clearly expressed. The student understands texts within a chosen field of study and is familiar with the required specialist vocabulary. The student can work with all types of text relevant for studying abroad.
The student can write coherent, correct and well-structured texts on general or field-specific subject areas while detailing personal viewpoints at length in a confident, personally relevant way which is tailored to the given audience.