Working Group Lead
WG 3 - Multilingual academic writing in higher education

Dr. Ute Henning

At the SchreibCenter of TU Darmstadt, I am responsible for services offered in English. I also advise and coach doctoral candidates in their writings and teach language didactics.

My languages are: Deutsch, English, français, română

I am interested in: Advisory services regarding writing and the didactics of writing, pronunciation and multilingualism.

Ute Reimers M.A.

I am a lecturer and member of the English linguistics team at the Universität Siegen. I head the writing weeks and groups for academic writing part-time and am actively involved in the establishment of a writing centre at the Universität Siegen (by conducting peer-to-tutor writing training and mentoring trained peers in their work).

My languages: German, English, French and a bit of Spanish

I am interested in: Contexts in which doctoral candidates write their doctoral thesis in English and in the development of corresponding support services.